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How racism can affect the development of adolescents : 5 Ways a social worker can promote

Oct 13, 2022

Racism, Struggle, Cause, Victory, Blacks, Injustice

Image by Marcos Goncalves Vilas Boas from Pixabay 

In a world that is increasingly becoming more and more complex, especially with the increasing number of people who are being affected by racism. It can be hard to be someone who wants to help.

However, there is a Christ-centered social worker, called Judy Ryan, who helps and takes part in meeting adolescents who fall victim to racism every day. She and her team were able to help one young girl she had helped discover her identity and overcome some stereotypes about herself through their sessions. This article will try to indicate how social interactions of a social worker can promote young adults' health

How a Social Worker Can Help to promote adolescent health

Racism can affect the development of adolescents, especially on their mental health. It can also cause a lack of trust among people, which is important for the development of adolescents. Racism can also affect their self-esteem, self-image, and identity. Racism may also cause them to feel inferior or superior to other groups.

A social worker can help with the issue of racism and the development of young adults by educating them about racism, its effects on them, and how they can fight against it.

They can also educate them on how they can improve their self-esteem and self-image so that they do not feel inferior or superior to other groups.

A social worker can also help develop an Identity Development Plan (IDP) for them so that they will know what they want in life and how they are going to get there.

A social worker could also provide them with resources like books, pamphlets, and other materials that will help them in developing an IDP for themselves.

Enact policy changes that focus on mental health

In my opinion, enacting policies can help in the issue of racism and the development of adolescents. First, it is important to understand that the United States has a history of racism. This means that there are people who are treated unfairly because of their color or ethnicity. It is also important to understand that adolescents experience racism in their daily lives.

Academically, adolescents may be treated unfairly because they are not as smart as their peers or do not have the same interests as their peers do. This can cause them to feel inferior and this feeling can lead to poor self-esteem which can lead to depression and anxiety (Cochran-Smith & Lyman, 2003).

Socially, adolescents may be treated unfairly because they do not fit into a particular group such as popular or unpopular. This causes them to feel excluded from social activities which can cause low self-esteem and depression (Cochran-Smith & Lyman, 2003).

Secondly, enacting policies will help in developing adolescents by teaching them how to cope with everyday issues such as racism and how they should interact with others based on their own personal experiences.

For example, if an adolescent has experienced racism from another person then he/she will know how to handle it. In addition, enacting policies will help in developing adolescents by teaching them how to cope with everyday issues such as racism and how they should interact with others based on their own personal experiences.

Create an anti-racist environment

There is a lot of work to do before we can see the full effects of anti-racism education on adolescents. However, creating an anti-racist environment (racial discrimination) in schools can help with the issue of racism and the development of adolescents.

Firstly, it is important to note that the majority of people who are subjected to racism are those who have different cultural backgrounds from those around them. This means that generally speaking, whites will not be subjected to racism because they have been socialized into believing their white skin is superior.

As such, it is important for young people and adults alike to be able to recognize when someone else has been subjected to racism.

Secondly, there needs to be more education about what constitutes a racist act in society and at school. Teachers need more training on how to deal with these cases properly so as not to give any more ammunition to those who would wish harm upon others based on their color or ethnicity.

This also means that students must learn how they can fight against this kind of behavior without being seen as doing so just for political reasons or because they want someone else's job or promotion.

Finally, we should all try our best not only to teach our children never to be racist but also to treat everyone as equals. We must teach them that every person has worth and should be treated with respect, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Examine School Discipline Practices

It is a fact that the majority of adolescents experience prejudice, alienation, and racism during their school years. The reasons for this are varied and include social, cultural, economic, and political factors. This paper will discuss through research how school discipline practices can be used as a way to help reduce these issues.

School discipline practices especially those focused on racial discrimination can be used for three purposes: firstly, to teach students how to manage their emotions when confronted by difficult situations; secondly, to teach students how to behave respectfully towards others; and thirdly, to teach students about tolerance and inclusion.

By teaching students about appropriate behavior in difficult situations and encouraging them to practice those behaviors daily at home or at school, they will learn how to control their emotions when confronted with difficult situations.

They will also learn what is expected of them when they encounter other people with different backgrounds or cultural values. They will learn that there are many ways of being respectful without necessarily being polite or politically correct all the time.

By teaching students about tolerance and inclusion, we can help them to understand that there are many ways of being respectful without necessarily being polite or politically correct all the time.

They will learn that there are many ways of being respectful without necessarily being polite or politically correct all the time. They will also learn what is expected of them when they encounter other people with different backgrounds.

Promote anti-racism in schools and communities such as racial discrimination

In institutions and communities around the world, there are many ways to promote anti-racism activities and programs. These can include:

Creating safe spaces for students who are vulnerable due to their race or ethnicity. For example, creating an anti-racist club at school or creating workshops for students where they can talk about racial issues in their community.

Holding conversations about color with students who may be hesitant about talking about it due to their own experiences with racism.

Teaching students in your classroom about different cultures through literature and art projects that address issues such as race and discrimination.

Providing resources for teachers and other adults who want to learn more about teaching anti-racism in institutions or communities

Support the development of racial identities

Racial identity is a particular way of being that is influenced by the color, race, and culture of an individual. Racial identity is not only defined by a person's physical appearance, but also by their name, where they live, and their family history.

The development of racial identities in institutions can help students to feel empowered and to develop an understanding of themselves as part of a group, which can increase positive self-esteem and school performance. This also helps in reducing racial disparities. Supporting the development of racial identities can help students to:

-Learn about their own culture, including language and food

-Understand how their cultural identity influences their personal views on race, diversity, and inclusion

-Develop positive relationships with others who are different from them in terms of cultural background or physical appearance


Racism has such a detrimental impact on the developmental process, it is important to involve yourself as a social worker to reduce the harmful effects that may affect outcomes such as public health and families.

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