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How to Improve Your Marketing in Healthcare By Thinking Like An Outsider: 4 Rules of Thinking Like An Outsider

Oct 20, 2022

In today's healthcare marketing the industry is more competitive than ever. To get ahead, you must be willing to think outside of the box. This includes being an outsider. To make your marketing stand out in an industry full of people doing the same thing you need to think like an outsider. People who think like an outsider help their business succeed. To do so, one must change the paradigm for success in their field. In the marketing industry, it's no different.

Marketing is all about connecting with people, and the best way to connect with someone is to view their world from the outside looking in. The best way to do that is to ask yourself, "What would an outsider think about my field?" to get a unique perspective. If you need any help with it, think of an old friend or family member who knows nothing about your industry and explain your business to him or her.

Chances are they would come up with some insightful questions and comments that would make you feel like an outsider. In this blog we will look at how you can use different techniques to do this.

1. Are you thinking like an outsider?

Thinking like an outsider is a great way to create a competitive advantage. Healthcare marketing is competitive and therefore can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. But thinking like an outsider is a great place to start.

Thinking like an outsider simply means thinking differently from the norm. In marketing, this means thinking about problems from a different perspective, and this will often mean thinking about the problems the consumer has.

This perspective has to be incorporated in the healthcare marketing scenario to provide a competitive advantage in the healthcare industry. However, this requires a lot of marketing efforts being directed in the existing marketing strategy that a company currently has.

For example, most healthcare organizations marketing websites focus on selling their product, but the consumer is looking for information on how to solve a problem thus makes it not a recommended strategy from the several healthcare marketing strategies available. Thinking like an outsider means ignoring what your competitors are doing, and thinking about the problems the consumer has.

2. How to apply thinking like an outsider to healthcare marketing

We’re all told to think outside the box, right? But what does that actually mean? When it comes to marketing, outside-the-box thinking means being a little different and not just following the crowd. It means not doing things just because that’s what everyone else does. It means being the one that thinks about how things used to be done, and how things could be done differently today.

It means not just following the crowd, but creating a movement. If you know the history of your field, you are in the perfect position to change things. You can see how the past has shaped the present, and you can see how it will shape the future. If you know how things were done in the past, it's easier to challenge the status quo and come up with fresh ideas.

Content marketing is also a lot more than just writing blog posts. Content marketing is spreading the word about your business through every medium possible. It's creating a movement around your brand.

3. Marketing in healthcare is a different ballgame - Healthcare marketing strategies

Let me start by asking a question: what's the #1 rule of marketing? Say it out loud if you have to. It's simple. It's the golden rule of marketing: you have to know your audience. Most people think that this means you have to know your audience's demographics: age, gender, education level, ethnicity, income, etc.

These are all important, but demographics only tell you so much. As a business person, you need to know who your audience is, what they want, and how you can help them. What do they want? What do they need? How can you make your product or service fit their needs? This is what makes marketing a different ballgame. It is a tough game that requires a different approach.

Healthcare marketing has its own set of rules and techniques. It's different from any other marketing in the world. If you are going to be successful in marketing in healthcare, you have to be willing to think outside the box. Ask yourself, "What would I do if I knew that everything I was doing was wrong?"

I'm sure you'll have a few answers. If you're just getting started with your healthcare marketing strategy, you may have a lot of questions. You're not alone. A lot of people feel this way. How can you market to healthcare consumers? What are the differences between marketing in healthcare and other marketing? How can you get ahead in the healthcare marketing game? Here are some ways to think like an outsider when it comes to healthcare marketing.

Ways to improve your healthcare marketing strategy

There's no doubt that healthcare marketing is a complex and ever-changing landscape even to healthcare providers in the healthcare industry. To be successful, you need to be able to think like an outsider and be willing to challenge the status quo. Here are a few ways to do just that:

1. Keep up with the latest trends. As a healthcare provider, what's hot in healthcare marketing right now? What's on the horizon? Stay ahead of the curve by reading industry publications, attending conferences, healthcare services, marketing strategies, and networking with other healthcare marketers.

2. Think outside the traditional channels. With the rise of digital and social media, there are more opportunities than ever to reach your target audience such as the healthcare consumers. Get creative and explore new channels to get your message out there like having online reviews periodically.

3. Be willing to experiment. Trying new things can be scary, but it's also essential for staying relevant and ahead of the competition. Test out new ideas, strategies, and tactics to see what works best for your healthcare organization.

4. Pay attention to your competition. What are they doing that's working? What could they be doing better? Keep a close eye on your competition and learn from their successes (and failures). A good example being their healthcare practices.

5. Always be learning. The healthcare marketing landscape is constantly changing, so it's important to be lifelong learner. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices by reading industry publications, attending conferences, and networking with other healthcare marketers on their healthcare marketing initiatives.

4. How to Get started with outside-the-box thinking

Outsiders see things differently because they don't know the rules. They see things as if they were new and untested. They see things as if they were completely unrelated to anything else. They see things as if they were a beginner. They see things as if they were a child. They see things as if it's the first time. They see things as if they were a foreigner. They see things as if they were a tourist. They see things from a different perspective.


Healthcare is a broad industry that sells a broad range of services and products. You need to understand the market and what people want. Then, you need to relate to them and give them that. Be brave enough to dive in and think of ways that you can change the industry and be one who truly stands out. You can do it!

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