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What was accomplished in world war I - Important events | 2022

Oct 07, 2022

What was accomplished in world war I

WWI was a turning point in the history of humanity. It was the most horrific conflict ever to take place on Earth. The damage it caused affected people not just of Europe but all over the world, and had repercussions for years after its end. In fact, its aftermath continued for decades after the war's conclusion. Today we'll explore some of these important events that took place during WWI and see how they relate to today's world.

Despite the horrors and casualties that were suffered by both sides during World War 1, it ended up causing the world to be a whole different place. Some may argue that it was a good thing, while others would say otherwise. There were many larger issues and changes within countries around the world, but some of them are quite interesting. For example, some might argue that there was an all out WWI in 2022 because of these issues that still exist today.

What Was the Purpose of the War?

The First World War, also known as the Great War or the War to End All Wars, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Contemporaneously described as "the war to end all wars", it led to the mobilisation of more than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, making it one of the largest wars in history. It is also one of the deadliest conflicts in history, with an estimated nine million combatants and seven million civilian deaths as a direct result of the war, while resulting genocides and the 1918 influenza pandemic caused another 50 to 100 million deaths worldwide.

The causes of World War I have been extensively studied by historians, with explanations ranging from the competition between Austria–Hungary and Serbia over territory in southeastern Europe, through a range of diplomatic alliances between WWI participants and their pre-war European rivals (e.g., Great Britain and France), to post-1918 German militarism and its focus on territorial gains. The war was fought on four continents; major battles were fought in Africa, Asia, Europe at times there were multiple major battles on any one front).

Major Causes of World War I

The major causes of World War I were the alliances between Germany and Austria-Hungary, Russia and France, and Imperial Japan and Italy. The alliances were formed because each country wanted to expand its territory at the expense of its neighbors. The alliance system began in 1882 when Germany signed an agreement with Austria-Hungary. The two countries agreed to combine their military forces if either was attacked by another power.

In 1894, Germany and Russia signed a treaty that allowed each country to send troops through the other's territory without having to pay customs fees or taxes. This led to a series of smaller treaties that allowed for military cooperation between Germany and Russia from 1898 until 1914.

In 1905, France entered into an agreement with Russia known as the Franco-Russian Alliance. This alliance provided for joint military action if either country was attacked by another power.

Japan also became involved in European politics when it signed an alliance with Britain in 1902 known as the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. The alliance included plans for economic co-operation between Britain and Japan as well as military co

World War I and What Made It Different From Other Wars

World War I was different from any other war in history for several reasons. The first and most important difference is that it was a "total" war with an unprecedented scale of participation by every country in Europe and the Americas. No previous conflict had involved so many people, and no previous conflict had been fought on such a global scale.

The second major difference is that it was fought in a different way from previous wars. Previous conflicts had involved battles between armies or navies, with the goal of destroying each other's ability to wage war. World War I, however, was fought on land and at sea between armies that were themselves fighting each other and civilians who were trying to find their own way through the chaos and death.

The third major difference is that it destroyed entire countries, including Russia and Germany, as well as numerous smaller nations like Belgium, Serbia and Austria-Hungary (to name just a few). Those nations were never able to recover from this devastating loss of life at all levels: economic, social and political.

Could an all-out World War like this occur in 2022?

If a war were to commence again in the year 2022, it would be a different kind of war than in 1914. World War I was fought with modern tanks, planes and artillery. Today's world is much more connected than ever before. The internet has made it easier for people around the world to communicate and engage in fighting back against an invader or attackers. During WWI, communication between local and national governments was slow and cumbersome at best. Communication by telegraph was slow and expensive so most leaders couldn't use it because they didn't have funding for the telegraph lines on their borders. People had no way of knowing what was happening outside their hometown or even where their next job would take them when leaving home for basic training in months before going overseas.

Some Major Positive Effects of World War I

The most important positive effect of World War I was that it brought about a new age of peace. The war ended with an armistice, which means that fighting would stop but that there would be no formal peace agreement. This meant that the countries involved could continue fighting without risking another major war. It also meant that the nations involved didn't have to worry about economic hardship due to their participation in the war.

The second most important positive effect was that it helped improve relations between nations across Europe, especially those within the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia). Before World War I, these three countries had been rivals for power in Europe and were often at odds with each other. They had also been enemies during Napoleon's era. But by working together during wartime, they were able to join forces against Germany and its allies. As a result, they gained control over much of Central Europe and formed an alliance which lasted until World War II when Germany invaded Poland again and overthrew both France and Britain's empires in Africa, India and elsewhere.*

What was the overall impact of the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed in Versailles, France on 28 June 1919 between the Allies of World War I (the Central Powers and the Allies) and Germany. The Treaty ended the war on all fronts and imposed an official peace that resulted in the destruction of the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires. It is sometimes referred to as the "Treaty of Versailles," but this was not its official name.

The Treaty marked a further step in the process of settling European problems led by peacemakers such as Woodrow Wilson (United States), David Lloyd George (United Kingdom), Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (Italy), Georges Clemenceau (France) and Woodrow Wilson who brought together 28 nations at war to sign it.


The end of World War I marked the end of an era in the world and ushered in radical change all over Europe. From a U.S. perspective, it also ushered in changes that most Americans may not even know still exist. Most importantly, though, it is important to learn from our past so that we can be better informed and prepared moving forward. The next time you hear someone refer to something that happened "over there," perhaps this article will provide some perspective on exactly what happened "over there" 100 years ago.


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